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There is a discussion in Maine whether to continue teaching script (long hand) in schools.   Perhaps it is time to leave behind the hand-written word.   Perhaps in the near future there will no longer be a need for children to write longhand, or even print; because all communication will be through tweets and word processors.  

But there was a time before computers when handwriting and beautiful script was appreciated.  Cards and letters came through the mail.   People looked forward to receiving hand written notes, cards and letters; and personalized correspondence was valued and often saved for years and even decades.   

Now, in the days of texting and twitter and e-cards that require no effort and little thought, correspondence is forgotten as soon as it is sent and soon as received.  

For those of us old enough to remember the pre-computer and cell phone world, the loss of personalized correspondence seems a shame.   But, or course, the world has moved beyond us, and changing generations brings about changing values.

The Ol’Buzzard
Children that can’t read cursive will not be able to read historic documents.

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