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There is no 'i' in 'team'. There is a 'bloodthirsty bunch of maniacs', though.

This is probably some sort of record. 22 years ago I bought a Dark Elf bloodbowl team. And then I thought I'd lost them. And then I found them again!

Today I finished painting them. That's a hell of a wait in the lead pile. Anyone out there beat 22 years between buying and painting some miniatures?

Without further ado, here they are:

I have a couple of games scheduled this week - one against a professional rugby player! - and so it seems likely they'll get a run out.

So here are the heavy hitters, the two Witch Elves and the Star Player, Harkon Heartripper:

The positional chaps, two Blitzers and - probably the most important player the way I play DE - the thrower:

And finally the blackbone, the linesmen.

For anyone that's interested, the uniforms were done with my 'ghostly' recipe; black primer, blast of grey primer for pre-highlight, then white drybrush and a green ink wash. Fast and effective; white highlights give a luminous quality and some silver and red gems help break up the green. The skin was a simple blue-tinged affair. The bases were done the same as the Human and Orc teams. 

The team name will be either the Pitfiend Stilettos or the Niflheim Ravens; I am currently torn. Any suggestions in the comments below would be appreciated.

I have one more team to pick up and then I'll've covered the four main playstyles I'm interested in.

Expect match reports to drop next week.

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