Talking about bullying, either developing or developed countries, the abusing has been spreading not only in domestic but also in international news. Violence occurred on children actually influenced the characters of a human and led to behavioral disorders. This is happened because of many resources including parents-children anger management, parenting styles, and neighborhood where the children grow and develop.
Violence happened to children have awakened our awareness to pay attention on children development. For bullying, many countries have been experiencing this issue not only from the primary school but also it could be happened on our tertiary education. One of the example of this case happened in Indonesia, which forced the government in regulating the new act about bullying. In 2016 itself, Indonesia government has decided to remove any kinds of orientation events which has been conducting for years in every educational institution.
This issue has affected the children development in school and it directly leads the students to misbehave which causes so many problems including criminality. Bullying is believed as one of the main factors that causes child abuse, violence to women, and creating teenager juvenile. However, we must understand that bullying act is influenced by many factors because the children are under supervision of their parents. Therefore, in terms of emotional aspect, this is happened because of uncontrollable emotional and anger.
As a result, some experts suggest that parenting styles is one of the main issue. Children are more likely to copy their parents’ characteristics because they wanted to become as exactly as their parents. They observe how the father and mother talk, walk, and even more in selecting their fashion. Technically speaking, the environment aspect of children development is started from their habitual activities with older people.
According to the study conducted in Brazil by Elisa Altafim of University of Sao Paulo, Brazil, parenting programs are important in children development. They implemented the Adults and Children Together program for 82 Brazilian mothers. The involvement of adults and children in doing their activities are effectively proven in preventing children behavioral problems including emotional management and difficulties in having relationship with each other. This study conducted two methods of observation to three-to-eight years of children by implementing participation of their relatives and legal guardian in their education. Interestingly, this study included the caregiver as one of the person who mostly employed by many parents in developing countries so it could have a valid research.
Hence, the children’s relatives and legal guardian participated in pre-intervention of behavior while the caregiver were instructed to participate in post-intervention. Shonkoff in 2010, which is written on this journal, suggested that violence will become post syndrome of stress and it could significantly threat children’s mind and body healthy if it experienced during early ages. Therefore, mental problems in children which can cause bullying, misbehaving, teenager juvenile, emotional abuse influence the personality of children.
Then, how about the children who are only a single parent? Could be this becomes one of the main factors? The answer is absolutely on the involvement of the adults. By reading this journal, I believe that children need their older relatives so they can share everything happened to them. Children relatives which are not only their father and mother are the closest figures to them because they can create strong, stable and safe environment.
In conclusion, this study suggested that adults’ involvement in children development can be effectively prevented the behavioral disorders in Brazil. This study also stated that the adults and children together program can assist the parenting styles in improving the practices which has been applied. Furthermore, the government of developing countries must provide this service in addition to prevent the children criminality.
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