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On Being Self Centered


 I just wanted to post this thought for the day in hopes that a young reader may benefit from my past
self absorption. 

We in the arts are continually told to pull out that " thing " inside us and show it in our art. Let me tell you ,  continually thinking about ourselves and examining our every thought and choice and relationships can really take us down a dark path if we are not careful.

 There is a reason God did not want us to eat of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. Innocence , as I get older , can be very refreshing quality in an individual , let alone a child. With so much knowledge increased comes much sorrow. Learn to live joyfully and look outside yourself. You will always have yourself around ... why not go outside and smell the fresh air?

 Having something to say can take years of living and loving and losing. And finding your voice will eventually come. Its best we get out of our own way.

  I find that I can express thoughts and feelings in a cartoon that a perfectly painted picture cannot. Certain ideas lend themselves to certain media. Be they silly or allegorical  of some spiritual truth , its a way we humans communicate ... and sometimes their is no profit motive ... just the joy of leaving a mark to make someone giggle and look at lif from a different angle and perspective. Can that be enough?


 I realize that sometimes I can be like a bowling ball and just roll over people. Its not a good feeling conforming to the shape of someone's reality.

 Now a clip from the ultimate Narcissist...... Warning ... very creepy .... but honest 

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