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Philosophical, Fred the Cat

After the person who owns the lot next door decided to chop down all the trees over there and basically lunar-scaped the place, a very invasive wildflower took over. The flowers are small and yellow.

Ever so often Mr. Pop has to crack the whip at the fence line to keep these flowers from sneaking through the fence and taking over the entire yard. When you look at the vacant lot you just see yellow flowers and green leaves, nothing ever seems to change.

This week one little flower made it through the fence. One little yellow flower against the backdrop of the brown fence. It was so pretty. It became an individual in a location where there were none of its kind. It was no longer one of many, it was one alone. Its beauty was so noticeable because it was away from the other hundreds just like it.

Seems to me there is a message there. Perhaps if we step outside our own kind, leave the comfort of what is the norm and go where we can become an individual to showcase our own beauty, we might find others who appreciate our individuality. Maybe more of us should sneak through the fence.

Let’s face it, if you walked into a room and saw me along with hundreds of other black and white cats, you might miss the beauty of my individuality. Just think of the treasure you might miss. Me? A conceited cat? Never.

That’s just my feline take on a hint from Mother Nature.

Have a great weekend

Fred the Cat (the cat who loves you guys)

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