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10 Interesting Facts About Titanic

In 1912, on its maiden voyage, the Titanic hit an iceberg and sank in icy North Atlantic Ocean waters. It was a disaster that’s still talked about today. Blockbuster movies have been made about it, while questions continue to be asked. In short, the public can’t get enough of the Titanic. And today, let’s look at some interesting facts about Titanic that you probably didn’t know about.

It’s a source of fascination and wonder for many of us, but what parts of the Titanic’s story are missing? What do you still not know about the awesome ship that was fated to sink in the depth of the ocean?

In this article, Beauty and Tips takes a look at these…

10 Fascinating and interesting facts about the Titanic.

Here’s The Thing About the Lifeboats

One of the questions that keeps coming back about the Titanic centres around the lifeboats:

Why weren’t there more of them?

It’s a valid question because, while the Titanic was equipped to hold as many as sixty-four, there were only 20 onboard.


Worse still, in the rush and panic that was ensuing as the ship sank, many of the lifeboats were sent away from the doomed vessel half-full.

Indeed, while each lifeboat could fit 65 people, the first one was dispatched with just 28 women and children onboard.

It’s an incredibly frustrating part of the whole sorry saga when you really think about it …

There Were 6 Warnings About the Iceberg

Here’s another frustrating fact about the Titanic: There were warnings about the impending iceberg.

Not just one or two warnings that were missed.

But six!

Six warnings before a collision.

It’s as frustrating as it is heartbreaking.

It Was Expensive … But Not As Expensive As The Hit Movie


When the Titanic Belfast (which is the ships full name) was put together in 1912, there’d never been an ocean liner quite like it. It was huge.

Not just that, but it was also incredibly luxurious.

It was all set to make many, many trips around the world, with its price reflecting the plans that were in store for it.

Another one of interesting facts about Titanic is it’s price. It cost $7.5 million to build in 1912, which would be roughly equivalent to $175 million today.

Whilst that was a LOT of money for 1912, James Cameron’s blockbuster movie Titanic (1997) cost a lot more.

How much? $200 million.

It’s incredible when you think about it. A movie about an expensive ocean liner that sank cost more than the real thing.

Here’s How Many Ship Builders Worked On It

Although the Titanic only ever made one voyage, one thing is for sure: It created a lot of jobs.

As well as all the crew who worked onboard the ship, there was a lot of manpower involved in its building.

3,000 men were hired to construct the Titanic, which basically means 3,000 more families had food on their plates during the period it took to build it. Awesome, right?

It Had Four Smokestacks. But …

Here is another one of interesting facts about Titanic: if you take a look at any picture of the Titanic, you will see that it has four smokestacks. The funny thing is that only three of them actually worked!

So why were there four?

Well, the fourth one was there just to make the ship look even prettier.

And, come on, why would you have just three smokestacks when you can have four?

The Ship Took Less Than 3 Hours To Sink

As panic was gripping everyone onboard, the ship was beginning to sink super fast.

When you look at an ocean liner the size of the Titanic, it’s easy to think it would take a long time to be completely immersed in the dark waters.

However, once the iceberg had struck its fatal blow, it took the wounded ship just 160 minutes to sink completely.

That’s an incredibly scary prospect, and you can only imagine the chaotic scenes that were being played out in the North Atlantic ocean.

Just Over 30% Of People Survived

The idea was that everyone would make it from England to America.

Sadly, after the ship capsized, only 30.6% of those onboard made it.

Moreover, those who did survive would surely have borne the mental scars for the rest of their lives.

What’s even sadder is that, had the lifeboat situation been managed better, 53.4% of people could have survived.

There Was a Lot of Wine Onboard

If you were travelling on the Titanic and fancied a drink – fear not, because you would have been well taken care of!

Although not everyone was allowed to drink onboard the Titanic (some did have to work, of course!), the privileged set who were travelling to New York in style had a wide range of different wines to choose from.

They also had a lot of bottles to choose from – 1,000, in fact! Isn’t it an interesting fact about Titanic?

Bet it wasn’t long before the first party was started …

13 Couples Spent Their Honeymoon On The Titanic

Where did you go for your honeymoon, or were are you planning to go?

Back in 1912, there were many popular honeymoon ideas. South of France, anyone?

And then, of course, there was the Titanic.

In 1912, spending your honeymoon on the Titanic’s maiden voyage to New York would have seemed amazing.

And it was a dream come true for 13 lucky couples who got to look forward to doing just that.

The Titanic Lies Prone at 12,600 Feet Under Water

The Titanic is still there, still decaying under water. It plunged all the way to 12,600 feet beneath the surfaced of the ocean.

People have been down to examine the ship and take photos of the ruined vessel since, while 6,000 artefacts have been received. But it’s likely that it’s going to remain there for time immemorial.

What a way for such a majestic ship to meet its end.

Do you know other interesting facts about Titanic? Feel free to share them in the comment section below.

The post 10 FASCINATING AND INTERESTING FACTS ABOUT TITANIC appeared first on Beauty And Tips Magazine.

from Beauty And Tips Magazine

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