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Justin Bieber Gives Signed Gift to Mother of 'Snapchat Bullies' Suicide Girl

14 year-old Megan Evans was a Belieber. She "loved Justin Bieber," according to her mother, Nicola, who said that Megan sobbed when she got tickets to see the Canadian singer in concert later this year, "It was her dream to get some signed memorabilia from him."

Sadly, Megan would never get to see Bieber in person, as she committed suicide in her home on February 7th, after being subjected to abuse on the social media apps Snapchat and Facebook. A devastaed Nicola spoke with the Daily Mirror, said that she never again wanted to see this tragedy befall another teen: "I didn't want her death to be in vain. I want to raise awareness to parents to keep an eye out for the signs. I just had no idea."

Besides starting a fundraising page for Megan's funeral and anti-bullying charities, Nicola also took to social media to post an appeal to her daughter's favorite singer. "We desperately would like a piece of memorabilia signed by Justin to Megan Evans to put in her casket with her," she wrote, "Please help Megan fulfill her dream."

According to Milford Mercury, the Evans family have indeed received an autographed picture from Justin Bieber. Nicola broke the exciting news on Facebook, gushing, "I never thought I would ever cry tears of happiness again, but I was wrong. Our beautiful, beautiful Megan will be looking down on us now, smiling from ear to ear, as her dream has come true." She went on to thank Bieber for his kind gesture, calling him "amazing" and praising his "compassion in fulfilling her dream."

Megan Evans' funeral will be held today (Feb. 20) in Milford Haven, Wales.

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