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Hard Out There For A Pimp...Terrance Howard Leaves Angry Death Threats On Voice Mail

Sounding like a scene from "Hustle And Flow", Terrance Howard shows his true colors on some strangers voicemail.  In the message, left early in the morning of August 31, Terrence identifies himself before going off on an angry tirade about the source calling his wife.

Well  it appears it's all a misunderstanding just five days prior, a female friend of his said she got Terrence's phone number from another friend. After a night of drinking with the source, she decided to prank call Terrence and leave a message expressing her undying love.

"Her phone was dead, so she used mine and left about a three-minute voicemail professing her love for him," the source -- who wishes to remain anonymous --

"But apparently the call was made to his wife's phone, not his. I'm assuming she got the voicemail of my friend gushing about Terrence and questioned him about it."

On September 7, Terrence again called the source and left another voicemail, but this time to apologize. 

"I'm so sorry for calling you and speaking that way," Terrence said. "I thought you were somebody that's been harassing my wife. Please forgive me."

 See people play way too much, but Terrance and his wife filed for divorce back in February and this is the same wife Terrance Howard filed for divorce earlier this year.  They must be working it out for Terrance to use such foul ghetto language on a voice mail. 
"N**ga, you been calling my wife... If you call my wife again I'm going to come to your house and I'm going to cut your f***ing throat," Terrence says in the message. "Understand that. I'm gonna tell you this one time. You call my wife again, I'm going to kill you."

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